How Many Hours Is Part Time Job In Canada

Part-time work in Canada
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If you are looking forward to making extra income, expanding your professional network, or learning new skills, you might want to consider a part-time job. However, how many hours is a part-time job in Canada? Employees are considered to be part-timers if the work duration is 30 hours per week or less. 

Although, there is no specific definition in the Canada Labour CodeHowever, the accepted guideline is that part-time is less than 30 hours per week, while full-time is more than 30 hours per day. 

Nonetheless, This article will provide full coverage of how many hours part-time work in Canada and other relevant areas related to part-time jobs in Canada. 

How Many Hours Is a Part-Time Job In Canada?

As mentioned earlier, The general hours considered to be part-time is 30 hours or less per week in Canada.  Although, most part-time workers might work more or fewer hours than this per week overall. 

So, anyone who works less than 8 hours per day could be considered a part-time employee, but in most cases, it depends on the employer. 

The Canada Labour Code defines various aspects of legal employment across the country but it does not state the definition of part-time hours. 

Majority of the Canadian employers adhere to the idea that 30 hours or less a week is the accurate definition of part-time employment. This definition helps them apply to the standard policies and benefits programs for their employees. 

The Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) defines part-time employment to be 30 hours per week, with full-time hours ( 9 to 5 or similar) considered to be more than 30 hours per week.

However, each territory, region, and province has its labor standards. 

In BC, Canada, they consider part-time to be less than 30 hours per week. While in Ontario, there are no specific criteria for part-time employment, whatever the employees consider part-time depends on the employer they work for. 

What Are The Potential Benefits Of Working Part-Time In Canada?

Undoubtedly, there are several benefits of working part-time in Canada. However, the most important benefit of part-time employment is the flexibility that comes with it. 

A light workload is also one of the potential benefits of part-time work. If you are thinking of considering working part-time here are the following potential benefits of working a part-time job:

1. Opportunity To Develop Financial Management Skills

Most individuals work in a part-time position as their first job, while they are yet to complete their studies. Part-time jobs can provide you with the opportunity to earn a paycheck and learn to work with your budget before you choose to start working full-time. 

Note that you may not have the financial resources compared to someone with a full-time job. 

2. You Can Earn More Income

Working part-time helps you earn more income. A part-time job includes payment for your work. You can work part-time temporarily to save up for a specific goal, instead of relying the budget on your monthly income. 

During holidays, weekends, or at night, you can earn more. You get to earn extra money by taking these shifts because working part-time you earn hourly pay. 

3. You Have More Time For Education

Due to the flexibility of working in a part-time position, you have the opportunity to complete your education while you continue to earn extra income, compared to working full-time employment. 

As a student, working part-time will enable you to have more time to complete your assignments and do other tasks. The flexibility of a part-time job will help you be able to manage your work schedule with your class activities. 

4. You Get To Network

Working part-time allows you to network. You will get to meet people with more connections and experience who work in the same field as you. Also, you will get the chance to meet people who work for other companies or organizations and create professional networks that can help you in the future. 

Note that The people you network with can direct you to further opportunities in the future or even help you with relevant connections. 

5. You May Be Eligible For Employee Benefits 

Working part-time may offer you some opportunities to be eligible for employee benefits. This may depend on the state and national laws, you may be lucky enough to receive some benefits as a part-time employee. 

In most cases, this also depends on the employer you work for. Your employer may extend some benefits program to all employees. 

The following are some of the benefits employers may offer to employees:

  • Employees discount 
  • Health Insurance 
  • Social security 
  • Money for education 
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Disability Benefits 
  • Paid vacation time 
  • Holiday off
  • Parental leave 
  • Workers Compensation 
  • Retirement savings 

6. Opportunity To Pursue Other Interests

Part-time jobs will provide you with the opportunity to pursue any other hobbies and learn new skills. Also, it will enable you to have time to grow your own business or start up your own business due to the flexibility it offers. 

The flexibility of part-time jobs will allow you to explore your options and even allow you to focus on other things that matter to you. A part-time job gives you the benefit of choosing your break and also your hours that are suitable to your schedule. 

7. Gain Transferable Skills And Experience

Working a part-time job will help you gain more transferable skills and experience. You will get to learn more skills by working in an industry where you have not worked before or by trying out new responsibilities. 

So, part-time employment provides individuals the opportunity to develop unique qualities such as time management skills, communication, interpersonal development, and more. 

Potential downsides of working part-time?

Below are some of the cons of working part-time in Canada:

1. Fewer Advancement Opportunities

Working part-time only provides fewer advancement opportunities. While Working part-time can help you expand your professional network and your transferable skills, this may decrease the chances of you moving up in a company. 

More so, some positions require a full-time dedication of 35 to 40 hours per week, such as the management and supervisory positions. So, if you are unable to work full-time, this might delay your chances of getting promoted. 

Therefore, If you are planning on considering full-time employment, it is advisable to communicate with your employer about your terms and conditions for working.

2. Feeling Left Out As Part Of a Bigger Team

Inclusion promotes productivity in an organization. However, a part-time employee’s schedule requires fewer hours compared to full-time employees, and this can make you miss out on team-building activities, social gatherings, and engagements. 

This may also result in disconnection within the group. If you enjoy participating in social aspects of the organization, a part-time job can make you feel left out. 

However, this aspect does not affect everyone, most especially introverted individuals. You may enjoy missing out rather than being involved or building a part-time relationship with your colleagues. 

3. Working More Or Fewer Hours Than Expected

In most cases, part-time position hours can be unpredictable. This is because it depends on your employer to provide you with the hours that you need to work. 

And sometimes, your employer is not obligated to provide certain hours. Your working hours may vary from week to week. This may affect your paycheck and schedule accordingly. 

4. Eligibility For Benefits

Generally, Canadian part-time workers are not qualified for insurance, health, or company retirement benefits. If you are working part-time, you can ask your employer about eligibility for health care, life insurance, or any retirement benefits if there may be any that are available. 

In Canada, all employers must pay into employment insurance (EI) and the Canada Pension Plan – Overview (CPP). These deductions come off an employee’s paycheque, and they are submitted on their behalf.

5. No Job Security

There is less job security for part-time workers. If there is any crisis in the organization the company usually lays the part-timer off before full-time employees

What Is The Difference Between Part-Time And Full-Time Hours?

There is no legal difference between part-time and full-time according to the Canadian labor code. However, the accepted guideline is that part-time employment is less than 30 hours per week, while full-time employment is more than 30 hours per week. 

The Canada Labour Code expects a company to pay overtime for any employee working more than eight hours a day or 40 hours a week except they are salaried workers or exempt workers. 

Despite the fixed definition of the hours of part-time and full-time work, note that an employer can choose to set any number as the maximum number of hours a part-time worker can work.

What Are The Part-Time Jobs Examples?

There are many part-time job examples you can find for yourself depending on what you want, your skills, and your level of expertise. If you are interested in searching for part-time employment, there are some factors you need to consider before looking for any. 

First, you need to begin by how many hours you want to work each week and the type of work you want to consider doing. Check your capabilities and skills, and then begin hunting for job searching for job opportunities on job boards. 

The following are some roles you could consider when choosing a part-time job:

1. Administrative Assistant

An administrative assistant plays a role in managing, organizing, and keeping an office running. 

In most cases, administrative assistants are responsible for clerical and organizational duties such as scheduling appointments, file organizing, drafting correspondence, assisting other staff members, and others.

Many companies employ a part-time administrative assistant during busy times of the year, during special periods, or to cover vacation leave of staff. 

2. Bookkeeper

A bookkeeper keeps financial records for a company or an organization. Bookkeepers may be self-employed and offer their services to other companies or work part-time in one organization. 

They are often responsible for recording and maintaining a business financial transaction, such as sales revenue, invoices, purchases, and expenses. 

3. Receptionist

A receptionist works in different varieties of settings. 

A receptionist’s duties and responsibilities include greeting visitors, helping them navigate through an office, and supplying them with refreshments as they wait, they also answer phone calls and emails. 

4. Security Officer

Security officers are responsible for keeping watch over a specific place of business. 

A security officer is a professional who watches over surveillance cameras, guards the inside and outside of a building, and always makes sure that people and valuables on the property are safe. 

5. Translator

 A translator helps to convey the meaning of written words from one language to another. Part-time translation is something to consider for people with a fluent understanding of a secondary language. Most companies hire translators to create accurate translations of documents. 

6. Tutor

Tutors are individuals who meet students to clarify and review concepts taught in class, explain processes, and help students solve specific problems. 

A tutor also helps in pre-exam preparation. Tutors often specialize in a particular area of education, high school, college-level subject, elementary science, or university. Tutors work part-time hours mostly in the evening and during weekends for educational purposes. 


Part-time job or part-time work in Canada is considered to be a flexible work arrangement which means working less than full-time hours. This signifies that working for fewer days per working week. Therefore, the hours for a part-time job in Canada are 30 hours and below. 

This article has covered everything you need to know about part-time jobs in Canada, and we hope it is helpful to your search.


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