When sending traditional mail, you sign your signature just before your name to confirm your identity. Your signature is so important that if someone duplicates yours, it will be tagged as a fraudulent act. If signatures are so important in traditional communication, why not in digital communication?
What you’ll learn in this article;
- The Meaning of a Professional Signature for Email
- Importance of Having a Professional Signature
- What Should Be Included in an Email Signature
- If it is okay to have more than one signature for an email
- How to create a free and simple Gmail signature like the Fig-1 above (10 simple steps)
What Is A Professional Signature For Email?
A professional email signature is a unique identity that you attach to your electronic messages. It is the digital replica of your signature. It could be as simple as your name written stylishly or could contain more details like pictures, logos, links, etc.
Most importantly, it is your modern-day business card; you reserve the right to what it looks like and what information it’ll contain. Every time you send out a message with your email signature; you have sent out your business card along with it.
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What Is The Importance Of Having A Professional Signature
1. Professionalism and Legitimacy
An email signature is a way of showing your legitimacy and professionalism. Your email signature can include logos (yours and that of people you are working or partnering with), links to your social accounts, websites, or published content.
Once you know what your immediate audience prefers, you create an email signature that fits their requirements. Email signatures provide options for people to confirm your status especially when it is business-related.
2. Creating a Brand Identity
The more people see your email signature; they get a mental picture of you and/or your brand. The more often your unique signatures appear to a particular individual, the more your brand is gaining promotion and recognition in the sight of the beholder.
You have to ensure that your email signature has a professional look and represents your brand identity.
3. Marketing
You can use your email signature to showcase important messages i.e. a link to; download your book, watch your free course read your trending post, etc.
What Should You Include In Your Email Signature?
- Name
- Phone Number
- Address
- Personal Photo
- Logo
- Your Real Signature
- Links to social accounts or website
- Certified Partnership
- Legal Disclaimers
Can You Have More Than One Signature for an Email?
Yes, you can have more than one signature for your emails. Email providers like Google give you the option to have more than one email signature.
For example; you can have one signature for the emails you send to your friends and another for the emails you send to business partners. It all depends on the recipient and the purpose of the message. If the purpose of the email is for a job application, for instance, you can also use a simple and official signature like the one I’ll teach you to create towards the end of this article.
Rules For Creating a Good Email Signature
1. Stay Consistent
Changing your email signature often or not using it often will hurt the brand identity you are trying to build in people’s minds. Create a good email signature and stay consistent with it; you can make minor changes but the major parts of the signature stay the same.
2. Simplicity
Your email signature should be simple and easy to interact with.
3. Moderation
Use colors, fonts, symbols, and images that suit the brand/industry that you are building or representing.
Step-by-Step Method To Create A Free Email Signature
Step 1: Choose An Email Signature Tool
The first step is to choose an Email signature tool. You can do this by Visiting a free email signature generator website like Hubspot, Canva, Mailchimp, and Wisestamp.
Step 2: Select A Template
Secondly, select a template you want to use. Now how can you do that? Here is how: browse the template library, choose a design that suits your brand, and then click on the template to start customizing.
Step 3: Add The Relevant Information
The next step is to begin to add the information you want to appear in your signature such as your name, which is very important. After that, add your title or position followed by the name of the organization, your official Email address, a working phone number, and if you wish – official URL or social media links.
Step 4: Customize The Design
Choose your preferred font style and size, layout, color and lastly a logo or photo if you so please.
Note: You can play with the font style, size, and color and find your taste.
Step 5: Add A CTA
Call-to-Action (CTA) is very important. This can be a link to either your landing page, social media profile, website or any other calendar scheduling link. If you are done with this step, let’s quickly move to the next step!
Step 6: Preview And Edit
Take a look at the email signature and make sure everything looks good and if possible, make any necessary edits.
Step 7: Copy The HTML Code
When you are done with making the necessary corrections, now copy the HTML code.
Step 8: Add The Signature To Your Email
Finally, go to your email provider (for instance, Gmail) and paste the HTML code into your email signature settings and save the changes.
In conclusion, we hope that with the information contained in this article, you will be able to get your professional signature for email. Also, feel free to check other related articles to know the current industry trends and how you can stay ahead of others.
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