Why do you want to work in a hospital setting? (Sample Answers)

Doctor reassuring her patient holding her hands after an interview
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Understanding why you have to work where you work is not just a sign of maturity but also a symbol of your professionalism. This is what interviewers want to hear and see when they ask the interview question, “Why do you want to work in a hospital setting”

More so, as you already know, the healthcare sector is a significant fraction of every country’s economy as it concerns handling effective matters pertaining to life. Hence, it is no surprise why recruiters or employers take the interview process seriously.

Therefore, to be successfully employed in the healthcare field or hospital, you have to know why you are a good fit and be able to explain this to the interviewing board. 

The job interview process is a necessary step in the job search process as it serves as a bridge between your resume and the actual work environment. Also, It provides employers with a chance to evaluate your qualifications, assess your interpersonal skills, and understand your motivations. 

To achieve this goal, prove yourself worthy by answering accurately all interview questions asked during your assessment or interview.  One common question that frequently surfaces during such interviews in the hospital setting is “Why do you want to work in a hospital setting?” 

This question aims to evaluate and analyze your understanding of the healthcare industry. Your passion for the work, and how your goals align with that of the hospital’s mission and values.

So what do you say to give an accurate response? Let’s find out how. Contact Us for your expert interview coaching service

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How to answer the question “Why do you want to work in a hospital setting?”

Before the sample answers to the question of interest, Below is a simple guide to help you impress your boss in the next interview when replying to: Why do you want to work in a hospital setting?

  1. Always begin your statement with positive remarks. Express your enthusiasm for the question and gratitude for the opportunity to discuss your motivations.
  2. Then talk about your passion for the role in the hospital


“My passion for (job role title) came from a personal experience back in my teenage years. Where I witnessed the pain a close relative went through after an accident. There was no doctor on call and we had to wait for hours”

  1. Talk about your commitment to patient care and the meaningful impact you aspire to make on patients’ lives.
  2. If you have the time, also emphasize your appreciation for teamwork and the collaborative nature of healthcare in a hospital setting.


“I value the collaborative approach in hospitals, where professionals from various disciplines come together to provide comprehensive care. The synergy of a well-coordinated team is crucial for achieving the best outcomes for patients.”

  1. Summarize your main points and reiterate your genuine passion. In all, make sure whatever you say is in alignment with the hospital setting.
How to answer the question “Why do you want to work in a hospital setting?”

Sample Response to the Question: Why do you want to work in a Hospital Setting?

Sample Response 1

I aspire to work in the hospital as an optician for several reasons. Firstly, it is a rewarding career, and the demand for experts in the optometric department is high. Additionally, in this field, we restore hope to the blind and people with eye defects, which serves as a major motivation for me. 

Furthermore, it is a family tradition. My great-grandfather was an optician, followed by my grandfather and my dad. Despite having a family clinic, I would love to work here and experience the cultural approach in the administration process.

I am eager to contribute my Western knowledge and expertise to restore sight to physically deprived individuals in this region. Therefore, I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to work with you.

Sample Response 2

I want to work in the hospital as an optician for different reasons. First of all, it is a great career, and the demand for experts in the optometric department is high. Plus, in this field, we restore hope to the blind and people with eye defects, which is a major motivation for me. 

Moreover, it is a family thing. My great-grandfather was an optician followed by my grandfather and my dad. Although we have a family clinic, I would love to work here and experience the cultural approach in the administration process. I am eager to contribute my Western knowledge and expertise in restoring sight to the physically deprived people in this region. So, I am eagerly anticipating working with you.

Sample Responses 3

Working in the hospital is fulfilling for me. I believe that what makes life worth living is the ability to contribute positively to the lives of others. I could have chosen to work in a big corporate setting, moving money around or spend all day in front of the computer testing codes. Although these are people’s jobs, for me, working in an environment where I get to impact people’s perception of life directly and offer hope for a better tomorrow makes me feel fulfilled.

Moreover, the hospital is different. Even if, as a radiographer, you have a basic position, you always know your place in the healthcare environment. You know you are a part of something big, a path in somebody’s life. To me, this is everything.

Sample Response 4

The broad nature of a hospital environment excites me. Every day presents new challenges, and I thrive on the idea of being part of a team that works tirelessly to overcome them. Also, I want to work in a hospital setting because it’s where I can fulfill my professional mission. I am eager to contribute my skills, passion, and dedication to a hospital setting where making a difference is not just a goal, but a shared commitment.”

Sample Response 5

I want to make a difference in the lives of patients. I believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, and I want to play a role in providing that care. Also, I am drawn to the fast-paced and challenging environment of a hospital, and I am confident that I can thrive in that setting. Providing innovative solutions to healthcare challenges and restoring hope to the people is my constant motivation.

Sample Answer 6

I am passionate about helping people in their most vulnerable moments because I know that being in the hospital can be a scary and stressful time for patients and their families. Therefore, I want to be there to provide support and comfort, and to help them through this difficult time.

Conclusion on Why do you want to work in a hospital setting?

A good response to the question “Why do you want to work in the hospital setting” should present your skills and passion for the role. It’s not the time to talk about your academic qualifications or degree. Rather, it is a time to explain why, among all other careers, you would prefer to work in the healthcare sector.

Furthermore, when responding to the question, ensure you are genuine and align your passion or interest with the current needs in your department. Express it with confidence.


1. Why did you want to work in our hospital?

Sample answer: “I’ve always wanted to work with an organization that prioritizes patient care. From my research and conversations with other industry professionals, I know your company also prioritizes high-quality care and patient satisfaction.

2. How to answer the question “Why do you want to work here?”?

5 good answers to ‘Why do you want to work here? ‘

  • I admire the company’s work ethic and collaborative spirit.
  • I’ve known about your company for a long time and admire it.
  • I believe I can make a positive impact here.
  • The company’s values align with my own.
  • I love what I’ve heard/read about the company culture.

3. Why am I interested in this job sample answer?

I am interested in this position because it aligns perfectly with my skills, experiences, and career aspirations. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to [Company Name] and make a meaningful impact in [specific area or industry].

Editors Recommendation 

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