How to Become a Medical Doctor in Finland

How to Become a Medical Doctor in Finland
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The medical profession is a high-risk job as it deals with human lives. A mistake that may look or sound simple, coming from the doctor, could lead to the death or permanent disabling of a patient. Therefore, becoming a doctor, not just in Finland, but in any part of the world, requires in-depth attention and carefulness.

Finland is one of the top countries in the world in terms of technology. They are well technologically advanced and more industrialized. This has led to them producing lots of global solution products like heart rate monitors. With their technology, health practitioners can provide better healthcare for patients. 

In addition to the technology they use, they have also implemented strategies that will boost their healthcare system and the quality of care given. This is seen in the introduction of problem-based learning, proper research, and clinical work for those who wish to undergo scientific work, and even, contact with patients. All these are to ensure that doctors are properly educated and can handle cases when they are through medical school.

Becoming a Medical Doctor

Anyone who wishes or has decided to become a medical doctor in Finland will need to find out how to become a medical doctor in Finland. Confusion about where to start and what to do is common. However, that is what this section will address. This section addresses the basic requirements for becoming a medical doctor in Finland.

1. Take Science Subjects in your High School

High school is usually the foundation for a career in any sector that you choose. It is the same in the medical field. Taking science subjects exposes you to the basic level of knowledge required to build further in your university. Subjects like math, biology, chemistry, physics, and English are usually prerequisites. Ensure that you take these subjects in school and excel at them.

Becoming a Medical Doctor
Becoming a Medical Doctor

2. Learn the Finnish Language

Your success at becoming a medical doctor in Finland is dependent on your ability to speak the Finnish language. Communication is key when treating a patient. When there is a breach in communication between the healthcare provider and the patient, there will be a limitation in the quality of care given. Therefore, acquire proficiency in the Finnish language.

3. Study in Finland

One of the most accessible paths to becoming a medical doctor in Finland is studying in a Finnish school. Studying in Finland means that you get the quality of education and training they offer to Finnish students. It gives the authorities the assurance that you have passed through the standard of education set out for becoming a medical doctor in the country.

There are 5 universities in Finland where you can undergo your medical studies, namely;

4. Obtain a Residence Permit 

Medical doctors who did their medical school studies in Finland and are from the EU/EEA are not affected by this. However, they are to obtain their residence permit after 3 months of staying in the country, if they want to stay longer. Those who went to medical school outside of Finland and the EU/EEA are to obtain both a residence permit and a work permit for them to stay and work in Finland.

Having looked at the basic requirements for becoming a medical doctor in Finland, let’s look at the things you need to do to practice in Finland.

4. Obtain a License to Practice

To practice as a medical doctor, not just in Finland but in any part of the world, you must have a license. Your license qualifies you to proffer medical treatment to patients. It is what keeps you in check and ensures that the patient is getting help from a trained professional and is in good hands.

5. Register with Valvira

Valvira is the organization in charge of the licensing of doctors and ensuring the standard of care given to patients is not tampered with. For you to practice in Finland, you must register with Valvira. They will conduct the necessary test and checks to ensure that you are fit to practice in Finland.

Medical doctors who attended medical school in EU/EEA countries will write a language test and pass through an accreditation process similar to that of Finnish doctors. Meanwhile, medical doctors who trained outside of Finland and the EU/EEA are required to complete an internship and then sit for a three-part license exam.

6. Obtain an Identification Code

After registration with Valvira, they will enter your name in a central register for healthcare professionals. Valvira then issues you with an identification code. This identification is unique to each doctor. It is what identifies you as a medical doctor in Finland and is to be included wherever you offer your treatment.

For example; if you prescribe a drug for a patient, your identification code is to be written on the bottle of the drug. This identifies that it is your treatment regimen and can be used to identify you, should in case things go wrong or right.

These three things are what give you legal ground to practice as a medical doctor in Finland. Failure to comply with these will breed sanctions.

Cons of Being a Medical Doctor

The responsibilities of a medical doctor can be quite overwhelming and if care is not taken, it can lead to burnout. Burnout has a lot of disadvantages for the patient and the doctor. It can lead to wrong prescriptions and treatments. It can also lead to having no work-life balance. The death of a patient can also hurt pretty bad.

Pros of Being a Medical Doctor

Asides from the financial reward that it offers, there is a satisfaction that it brings. It brings satisfaction that you are saving lives and giving hope to families that are in despair. The benefits that come with the position can be rewarding too. 


Finland is a great country to train to become a medical doctor. They have the facilities needed for thorough training in the profession and produce doctors who know what they are doing. Asides from the training, they have the technology to foster intervention in the medical field. What better place to train than Finland to become a medical doctor?

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Igbojianya Oluchukwu

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