How Many Hours Is Part Time Job In Australia

how many hours is part-time job in Australia
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Working as a part-timer in Australia comes with several opportunities. However, it is crucial to learn more about how many hours part-time jobs are in Australia. 

Nonetheless, whether you are seeking to expand your professional network, learn new skills, or make extra income, part-time employment is a great option.

In this article, we discuss what is considered part-time employment in Australia, and how many hours is a part-time job in Australia. 

Then, look at the benefits and examples of part-time jobs, as well as several other insights about part-time employment in Australia.

How Many Hours Is Part Time Job In Australia

The Australian Bureau of Statistics considers 35 hours per week to be part-time in Australia, and full-time hours are defined as more than 35 hours per week.

Every organization in Australia defines part-time hours differently and outlines their definition in an employment contract or the company’s policies.

 However, A part-time position in Australia requires employees to work an average of 17 to 35 hours, five days a week. 

A part-time employee is entitled to paid leave, including Sick and career leave, annual leave, and maternity leave. They also get 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave. 

Who Works As Part-Time Employees?

Various people work part-time, including high school students, college students, interim employees, retirees, or people with children or other care responsibilities. 

Part-time work is specifically designed for people whose life circumstances don’t necessarily allow for a full 40-hour or more a week.

Workers may choose part-time positions for a variety of reasons, such as reduced stress, already retired, family responsibilities, completing a degree or other education program, needing income while attending school, and needing income while launching a business.

Aside from all these reasons, workers might take a part-time job because they are unable to find full-time employment. 

Others may take part-time positions to gain experience or skills in a specific field because part-time roles are an excellent way to gain a little experience and learn the basics of an industry before working in a full-time position. 

What Is The Difference Between Casual, Permanent, And Fixed Contract Part-Time Employment?

There are three types of Part-time employment Casual, permanent and fixed contract part-time. Each of these employment has its own definition and hours employees work per week in Australia.

Casual Part-Time

Employees who work on a casual part-time basis work when their employers have needs for their skills. 

A casual part-time employee has no guaranteed hours of work and no expectation of ongoing work in the future. Also, Casual workers are hired on an as-needed basis and do not receive entitlements such as annual leave and personal leave.

Permanent And Fixed Contract

Permanent and Fixed contract part-time employees work regular hours, receive regular salary for their period of employment, and are entitled to annual leave and personal leave. 

Do Part-Time Employees Get Overtime?

Part-time employees who work more than 38 hours a week may be eligible for overtime. According to the Fair Work Ombudsman, a Part-time employee gets paid overtime if they work more than 10 continuous hours on a day or shift. 

This means that If the shift spans midnight going across two calendar days, overtime is paid even if there are less than 10 hours worked on each of the calendar days.

Note that overtime is not paid if an employee works more than 10 hours in a calendar day unless the hours are worked as part of the same shift.

Can You Get A Part-Time Job With No Experience?

Employers all around the world usually look for job candidates with experience because they believe they can get the work done easily. 

However, you can still get a part-time job if you don’t have any work experience. Here are three steps you can take to get a job with no experience:

1. Highlight Your Transferable Skills

If you are changing careers, you can use the skills you gained from your previous work to show employers your potential to succeed in a new role. 

You can add this information to your cover letter and resume and highlight the work you have done that is relevant to the duties of the new position. 

 2. Aim For Entry-Level Positions

Unlike more senior positions, entry-level jobs don’t require applicants to possess years of professional experience. 

So, focusing your search on entry-level positions will increase your chances of getting a job that can lead to something even bigger. There are many ways you can find entry-level positions online, some include:

Visit a job website and search entry-level with the job name, for example, someone looking for a customer service representative position might search “Entry-level customer service representative.” Also, you can visit for entry-level jobs.

3. Emphasize Your Education 

Work experience is not the only thing that can land you a part-time or full-time job in Australia, your educational qualification does too. 

If you lack relevant work experience for the position you want, consider emphasizing your educational achievements. Even if you only hold a diploma, you should highlight that and emphasize the skills you developed through your studies. 

Can You Get A Part-Time Job With No Experience?

Are Part-Time Jobs Available While Studying In Australia

Yes, Part-time jobs are readily available while studying in Australia on a student visa. You can work 17 to 35 hours each week throughout your study program.

Also, You can work full-time for 3 months when your university is not in session. 

What Are The Benefits Of Working Part-Time In Australia?

There are many factors to think about before choosing a part-time position in Australia. While you should consider the role, company, and compensation, it is also important to know the advantages and disadvantages of working in a part-time position. 

Working part-time hours in Australia can offer several positive benefits and advantages, including:

1. Networking Opportunities 

Part-time roles provide networking opportunities. It offers a networking advantage, fostering connections in various professional circles. 

Trying a different industry or position may allow you to meet people you could not have met otherwise. These connections may provide you with new opportunities, collaborations, or mentorship that can help you accelerate your career, providing a strong foundation for future professional growth. 

2. Gain Transferable Skills And Experience

A Part-time job offers you work experience and the opportunity to learn and gain transferable skills. This is because the work you do in a part-time job is as valuable as in a full-time position.

You can develop skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and time-management skills, which can transfer to any job for which you may apply. Many part-time jobs are either customer service-based or marketing, which can help you gain interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, writing skills, and leadership.

3. Opportunity To Pursue Other Interests

One of the benefits of working part-time is the increased free time with which you can pursue other interests. 

For those lacking the required academic credentials needed for their dream job, a part-time position will give you the flexibility to obtain the certification needed for that position.

Others may use part-time positions to achieve the experience needed to land their desired profession. For example, if you want to work in the medical field, the experience you gain working part-time in a community health clinic can open up and provide you with numerous opportunities. 

4. Flexibility 

Part-time jobs in Australia offer flexible schedules, such as shifts. This allows workers to tailor their work hours to accommodate personal responsibilities.

This is the reason why part-time jobs are popular among students and professionals with caring responsibilities or kids, allowing them to strike a balance between work life and personal life. 

5. Paid Time Off

Paid time off is among the benefits/advantages of working part-time, when employees have this benefit, they may be likely to maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

They can take a variety of forms, including a set number of days that employees can take for personal reasons in a year, or days that employees can use as they wish.

What Are The Downsides Of Working Part-Time In Australia?

Below are some of the cons of working part-time in Australia:

Fewer Advancement Opportunities

While part-time employment provides networking opportunities and transferable skills, the chance to advance in a company decreases. 

Whether it is because you are not around as much as a full-time worker or you have a reduced workload, it can be challenging for a part-time employee to advance their career.

They Offer Limited Benefits

Part-time employees receive fewer benefits compared to full-time employees, such as retirement plans, health insurance, and paid time off. 

Before taking a part-time job, you need to make yourself aware of your employee rights and consider how vital these benefits are to you.

Less Job Security

Unlike Full-Time employment, Part-time jobs often come with low job security, as employees may face uncertainty regarding work hours and lack of long-term stability, and since these jobs are target and deadline-based, the employers have the right to discontinue or continue the employee’s employment.

Inconsistent Income 

Unlike full-time jobs that pay a consistent salary at specific intervals, many part-time work often result in inconsistent income.

Due to irregular work hours and the temporary nature of part-time positions. 

Inconsistent Scheduling 

While some organizations offer consistent schedules, many organizations use part-time employees to fill in gaps during working hours that full-time employees cannot cover. 

Meaning, that the employee’s knowledge depth may be less required for the job, thus resulting in less consistency in work.

What To Consider When Determining Whether To Hire A Part-Time Worker?

When it comes to choosing whether to hire a part-time employee, there are several factors to consider, including:

Consider Your Budget

When determining whether to hire a full-time or part-time worker, you should consider your budget. 

If your company’s budget allows for a full-time employee and the workload can fill a 40-hour workweek, then you should consider offering full-time employment instead of part-time. 

However, if the workload can fill a 30-hour workweek or less, a part-time employee is the right option 

Consider Your Business Need

Another factor to consider when determining whether or not to hire a part-time employee is your company’s need.

You should determine if full-time is more conducive to your company’s workload or if part-time is best suited for the position. 

It is also important to specify if full-time expertise is more crucial for your company’s needs or if you just need a part-time employee who can complete certain tasks. This information could help you decide if it is a full-time employee you need or part-time.

What Are Part-Time Job Examples?

There are several options when deciding which part-time job is right for you. Various part-time jobs have the potential to earn well above minimum wage.

You can begin by looking at how many hours you want to work each week and the type of job you want. Here are the top roles that are always available on a part-time basis in Australia:

1. Receptionist 

According to Australian labor market insights, Formal qualifications are not essential to work as a receptionist in Australia. 

However, some workers have a vocational education and training (VET) qualification in administration, secretarial, or clerical studies. The Average Salary is $31 per hour.

2. Tutor

There are no specific qualifications required to work as a tutor in Australia. However, a relevant qualification and experience are often preferred by employers. The average salary is $40 per hour. There are no specific qualifications required to work as a tutor in Australia. 

3. Customer Service Representative

You do not need formal qualifications to become a customer service representative in Australia. However, a degree qualification in customer engagement, retail, or business could improve your chances of entry into this role. The Average Salary is $25 per hour.

4. Translator

 A translator helps to convey the meaning of written words from one language to another.

Part-time translation is something to consider for people with a fluent understanding of a secondary language. The average salary is $32 per hour.

5. Babysitter

Requirements to become a babysitter are to Be at least 18 years old, hold a valid driver’s license, and have a valid working with children check as per state. The average salary is $25 – $30 per hour.


Part-time in Australia is 17 to 35 hours and as a student, you can work as a part-timer in this country.

This article has covered everything you need to know about part-time jobs in Australia and we hope it is helpful to your search.

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