How Many Hours is Part Time Job in USA?

USA Average Work Hours
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If you are accessing jobs, you might wonder how many hours a part-time job is. There is no doubt part-time jobs give flexibility, especially if you are a student. Aside from the fact that it enables you to allocate time to other activities or endeavors, having a full grasp of the hours between part-time and full-time will not only help workers know their entitlement but also company benefits.

Oftentimes, when we think of part-time roles, what is usually envisaged is an individual working 15-30 hours weekly. However, the hours differ greatly based on the industry, company, and agreement with the worker.

That said, organizations reducing work hours below the standard 40-hour, further add to the complications of this subject. This brings us to the question; what specific hours distinguish a full-time from a part-time role?

In this post, we will explore how many hours amount to part-time work. If part-time employees are entitled to company perks, and other essential things to know.

What is Part-Time Work?

A part-time job is one where the worker works fewer hours weekly than their counterparts in full-time jobs. How a worker defines part-time differs from another’s, depending on the company’s policy. For instance, an organization might consider a worker part-time if they work less than 35 hours weekly. This brings us to the subject of discussion.

How Many Hours A Week Is Part-Time?

While there are no established legal standards in the United States surrounding part-time hours or work. Hence, every part-time worker is unique, with different schedules and several personal or professional obligations that influence their weekly work hours. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics survey data, the average number of weekly part-time hours is 35. Although, this value is only a reference point and it is not mandated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which offers no actual guidelines for part-time and full-time employees. Also, note that classifying a worker as part-time does not alter the application of FLSA regulations.

Based on the Internal Revenue Service definition, a part-time worker is someone who works below 30 hours weekly or less than 130 hours monthly. This condition was established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) since applicable large employers (ALEs) must provide minimum essential health coverage exclusively to full-time workers.

Furthermore, company policies usually outline the minimum hours required for part-time or full-time workers, while classifying them based on their unique needs. Overall, part-time employees typically work fewer hours.

What Jobs Are Best Suited For Part-Time Workers?

Part-time jobs are commonly found in the retail and hospitality sectors, although opportunities are available in other fields like:

  • IT
  • Writer/editor
  • Tutoring
  • Bank teller
  • Graphic designer
  • Construction worker
  • Administrative assistant
  • Customer service representative
  • And so on

What Are The Advantages Of Taking A Part-Time Role?

Now that you have a better understanding of the number of hours considered part-time, you may be curious about the benefits of working part-time. 

Below are some of the reasons why part-time hours might be the right option for you:

1) Flexibility Timing And Reduced Stress

Working full-time roles can be exhausting for workers, especially when your position opens you to constant stress. This can have a huge toll on your overall performance and might even affect your well-being. Opting for part-time roles can significantly lessen the stress you encounter in the workplace. 

Moreso, you will have the opportunity to develop a work-life balance with adequate time off. Aside from giving you the ability to spend quality time with family, friends, and hobbies, it can also enhance your fulfillment.

2) Enhance Your Time-Management Skills

Working part-time also allows you to develop time management skills, since you have fewer hours during the day to accomplish your tasks.

You tend to make the most of your time, make wise decisions, and come up with good solutions to problems.

3) Fresh Opportunities And New Skills

Working part-time presents you the chance to gain more exposure and training in various fields. It happens that many employers find it difficult to employ new workers for full-time roles if they’re less experienced. On the contrary, they may consider hiring a less experienced candidate in a part-time role if they’re enthusiastic and willing to learn.

In addition, taking a part-time job makes it possible to work for more than one organization at a time. This opens you to new experiences and helps you cultivate new skills you never consider having. These new skills might help you qualify for higher positions should you consider going full-time in the future.

4) More Money

There is a greater tendency to make a reasonable income compared to your full-time counterparts if you can run more than one part-time job. 

Moreso, since the majority of full-timers work 50 or more hours weekly, you may still work fewer hours despite taking several part-time roles.

5) Time To Pursue Other Activities And Future Endeavors 

Another big advantage of part-time work is the opportunity to spend your leisure time running other things. For instance, a part-time role is perfect when pursuing a career. 

It gives you valuable experience and at the same time allows you to continue your studies; which might open the door to more opportunities.

Do Part-time Employees Get Benefits From the Company?

The Fair Labor Standards Act doesn’t specify whether part-time workers should have the same rights or benefits as full-time workers. Usually, it’s at the discretion of the employer to decide whether they will provide paid time off, retirement plans, and health insurance to part-time workers.

That is, the employer might also set their criteria to determine whether a part-time worker is qualified for the company’s perk.

In some instances, the employer could put the employees on a condition to be with the company for a specific frame of time to qualify, irrespective of whether they’re part- or full-time staff. In a situation where a company has over 50 full-time workers, they need to provide the employees with health insurance. But, they aren’t obligated to do so for part-time workers. 

In addition, there are no legal requirements that demand an employer to give paid time off to any of their workers, holiday pay inclusive. Although, employers might choose to do so by offering holiday pay to their part-time or full-time employees. However, the choice is ultimately up to the recruiter.


Are Part-Time Workers Eligible To Go On Vacation, Take Sick Leave, Or Holiday Pay?

While some state laws may permit full- and part-time workers to be paid sick leave or paid time off (PTO). Employers need to evaluate their state’s specific policies. Moreover, the FLSA typically does not mandate payment for time not worked, including sick leave, vacations, and holidays. Nonetheless, some employers have PTO policies of their own that take care of both full- and part-time workers. This policy or strategy aims to engage and attract talent.

What Is A Decent Salary Expectation For Part-Time Jobs?

Salaries and hourly compensations for part-time work differ due to factors like industry and geographic region. 

However, nonexempt part-time workers are qualified to receive at least the relevant minimum wage.

What Workplace Benefits Do Part-Time Employers Have?

In addition to worker-sponsored perks and paid time off, individuals working on a part-time basis have the same rights or privileges as full-time workers. This usually entails eligibility for employee compensation, overtime pay, unemployment, family, and medical leave provided they meet the required criteria.

How Can Overtime Regulations Be Applied To Part-Time Employees?

Employers must keep accurate and complete records of the period worked by their nonexempt workers, irrespective of part-time or full-time. According to the FLSA, such workers have the right to one and a half times their normal pay rate for every hour worked over 40 hours per workweek. Note that the specific overtime criteria may hold based on the state in which the employee is working.

Are Part-Time Workers More Fulfilled?

While fulfillment or happiness is a subjective issue, part-time workers may have an amazing work-life balance than their full-time counterparts. This may be due to them having more time to pursue individual interests.

How Many Hours Worked Per Day Are Considered Part-Time?

Full-time and part-time hours are usually estimated by the week or month, with 40 hours weekly being the conventional standard for full-time. Nevertheless, an individual who regularly works fewer than eight hours daily could be classified as a part-time employee, though this deduction strongly lies with the employer’s policies.

Why Do People Work Part-Time?

One prevalent reason why individuals might work part-time hours is the need for extra income. Some might even consider a full-time job during the day and a part-time job at night or on the weekends to cover expenses. Another reason is that they have responsibilities or pursuits, such as childcare, or hobbies that prevent them from being committed to a full-time career. Such individuals value the flexibility that a part-time job offers.



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