If you are reading this, it must be that you are confused as to what an SOP format should look like, and how to write an SOP, well look no further. An SOP format must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. These three parts need to be clearly defined with the necessary information. It should be written in the form of an essay, with paragraphs.
It is not an easy task to create an SOP or Statement of Purpose from scratch. Getting ready for an incisive SOP is going to take some time, probably weeks or months. However, writing an SOP without following any guidelines will not help because most SOP rejections happen when those don’t comply with standard requirements.
In this article, we’ll explore some tips on how to write an SOP and also some important information that should be in a personal statement.
If you need assistance in writing your statement, do well to contact us.
We also have a free PDF downloadable SOP sample for you. Read further to discover this free PDF sample.
Format for Statement of Purpose Writing
If you’re about to start your statement of purpose, here’s a useful format that you can use to achieve a better statement of purpose that will help you stand out and win the hearts of the admission committee.
1) Title Header
The first thing you’re expected to add to your statement of purpose is the title of your writing. Most times, it could be something as simple as the course you’re applying for, and the school (e.g Statement of Purpose for Masters in Business Administration Birmingham City University)
When Choosing a Header For Your Statement of Purpose, It Is Important To Consider The Following Factors:
- The length of your statement of purpose. If your statement is short, you may want to choose a shorter header.
- The tone of your statement of purpose. If your statement is formal, you will want to choose a formal header.
- The content of your statement of purpose. If your statement focuses on your academic interests, you may want to choose a header that reflects that.
Once you have chosen a header, make sure to proofread it carefully to ensure that there are no errors. A well-written header can help you to make a strong first impression on the admissions committee.
2) Introduction (Paragraph 1)
Tell the story of you and your interests (enumerate your academic performance and the trigger that set you down the path of study in the field you have applied for). Keep in mind the following
The details to include in this introductory paragraph should contain:
- The field and course of study that holds your interest
- The subject knowledge you already possess
- Your background, which may be the reason you see yourself in the chosen field,
- And your passion for the subject—as incidents, events, or achievements (not as generic sentences if possible).

(Source: Southern Utah University)
3) Body (Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4)
- Discuss your academic interests and goals.
- Highlight your experiences and extracurriculars that align with the role description
- Explain why you should be considered for the role
4) Conclusion
- Restate your reasons for applying to the program, stating your future goals.
- Summarize your key points.
5) Appendix (optional)
Note: The standard SOP format allows for 1-2 pages, with some variations depending on your academic level and program. Undergraduate applicants should aim to keep their SOP to a single page, while postgraduate applicants can write up to 1.5–2 pages.
However, most SOPs are between 800 and 1000 words long. It is ideal to find out the word count for the school you are applying to.
Important Information For Your Personal Statement
Your statement of purpose (SOP) is the most important document you’ll ever write as a graduate school applicant. It’s your chance to show the admissions committee who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and why you’re the perfect fit for their program.
The following are important information that should be in your personal statement.
- The first paragraph should introduce yourself, mention your academic qualifications, and give a gist of your purpose for choosing a particular course. You can talk about your goals and how this course can help fulfill your dreams. You should be able to demonstrate your understanding of what the course comprises.
- In your second and third paragraphs, you can talk about your passion for the subject and mention your academic and related activities and achievements that prove this. If you have professional experience, you can mention that too.
- In the fourth paragraph, write about why you decided to pursue this course, at this particular university. Justify your choice with relevant points. You can point out your immediate and long-term goals too.
- In the fifth paragraph, add points to convince the admission committee that you make an ideal candidate for the course.
- In a short paragraph, mention your extra-curricular activities, projects you have undertaken, voluntary work, papers submitted if any, industry visits, workshops attended, dissertations, and your interests and hobbies.
- In your final paragraph, you should show the admission committee that you have the qualities and qualifications needed to succeed in the course and that you will be able to make a difference in society with your success.
Tips on How to Write Your Statement of Purpose (SOP)
The following are tips on how to write your Statement of Purpose (SOP). In a sea of applicants, it is essential to stand out by presenting your ideas in a way that is easy to read and understand. Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your SOP:
- Font style and size are vital while drafting an SOP. These are often missed or not followed by students while drafting an SOP.
- Write your SOP in the active voice and let it have a positive feel altogether.
- The SOP should have a formal tone, but keep it conversational.
- It should have continuity.
- Follow the instructions, if any, given by the institution. For example, you might be asked to limit your SOP to one page.
- Use examples in your SOP to garner the attention of the reader. These will stand out more than generic statements.
- Keep editing and rewriting, till the last date you send it across. The more you edit, the better your work becomes. If you are running out of words, let the draft sit in one corner for a few days, and then get back to it with a fresh mind.
- Your SOP should be tweaked based on the institution or course that you are applying to.

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Writing Your SOP
- Avoid using commonly used adjectives while writing an SOP. For example, hard-working and challenging
- Do not make vague and generic statements. It should be followed by specific instances from your life.
- Do not repeat the information in your SOP. Also if you have mentioned something in your resume, please do not copy-paste or repeat it in your SOP. Let the information in your resume be distinct from that in your SOP.
- It is difficult to pull off humor and sarcasm in writing. Hence, it is safe to stay clear of those.
- Most importantly, never copy anyone’s SOP and pass it on as your own. Some tools can catch plagiarism, which is a serious offense.
- Though your confident persona should show through the SOP, make sure you won’t be mistaken as an arrogant and self-obsessed person.
- Do not draw attention to your drawbacks or failures, unless you highlight that those were your learning experiences and you did something about it.
- Do not include information that is not necessary or relevant to your college education.
Free SOP Sample PDF Version
Download a free copy of the PDF version of an SOP Sample.
This file is strictly for educational purposes, and should not be copied.
Tips for Creating a Successful SOP
- Define the purpose of the SOP: What do you want the SOP to achieve?
- Identify the audience for the SOP: Who will be using the SOP?
- Gather the necessary information: What information do you need to include in the SOP?
- Write the SOP: Use clear language, and follow a logical structure.
- Review and revise the SOP: Get feedback from others, and make sure the SOP is accurate and complete.
Word Count of a Statement of Purpose (SOP)
Unless specified by the university, your SOP can range from 800 – 1500 words. It is best to limit it to 1 page as the admission committee will have to go through hundreds of SOPs and will be pressed for time.
How We Can Help You Write an Acceptable SOP
As a reputable professional service provider, we are fully devoted to helping professionals and students around the globe achieve their professional and career goals. We believe you might need our assistance as experts in writing or reviewing your Admission essay or CV. If that is the case for you, we are available to assist you, just send us a message via mail or our social handles.
Cheers, we wish you the best!
An SOP format must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. These three parts need to be clearly defined with the necessary information. It should be written in the form of an essay, with paragraphs.
It is not an easy task to create an SOP or Statement of Purpose from scratch. Getting ready for an incisive SOP is going to take some time, probably weeks or months. However, writing an SOP without following any guidelines will not help because most SOP rejections happen when those don’t comply with standard requirements.
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