Firstly, UCAS is an acronym for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Services. It is a non-profit NGO in the United Kingdom that provides information, advice, and guidance on admission matters to students. They are an organization in the United Kingdom that every student who wants to further their education after secondary school level must apply through. Though this isn’t necessary for all universities, as some universities don’t go through the UCAS.
The UCAS is funded by fees paid by applicants, capitation fees paid by the Universities and Colleges, and earnings gotten via their commercial enterprise. They don’t receive funds from the Government.
As part of the demands by UCAS, applicants will be required to write a personal statement for their admission process. A personal statement is a piece of writing that explains why a student is a right candidate for a program. It is written and attached to their application forms, and it is also an important document in the application forms. In this article, we would be giving you important tips on how to write a Personal Statement for UCAS.
How to Write a Personal Statement for UCAS
It’s not just about writing a personal statement for UCAS; it is about writing a good and unique personal statement for UCAS. However, writing a random Personal Statement is not a good choice.
Good Personal statements are fixed on facts backed up with evidence and examples while unique Personal Statements must be a compelling narration of your abilities. An important thing to note is that a Personal statement must be “Personal” and all these combined gives you a perfect Personal Statement for UCAS.
Here are tips for writing your Personal Statement for UCAS
- Firstly you need an outline. Create an outline of the things you want to write in your writing. This outline gives you guidance on how to write so you don’t leave out some information.
- Make sure to start your writing passionately and straight to the point.
- Be careful with your sense of humour as the agent may not share it with you
- Refer to experiences you’ve had.
- UCAS Personal Statements has a character limit of 4000 words and a line limit of 47 lines. Ensure you do not exceed these limits when writing.
- Proofread your Statement aloud to your teachers, family, and friends to check for errors.
Things to Include in your UCAS Personal Statement
Your Personal Statement is an important aspect of your UCAS application form because it proves why you are the right candidate for the admissions. Below are the things you should include in your UCAS Personal Statement.
- State your reason for your choices of schools and courses and explain how they’d influence your future.
- Give examples of experiences, challenges, or accomplishments you’ve had that are relevant to your writing. They may be from your academics, work, or extra-curricular activities.
- Describe yourself properly by informing them about your interests, hobbies, positions you’ve held, teams you’ve worked with, and clubs you are a member of.
- Make good use of evidence and examples to back up arguments.
- Demonstrate your capabilities and suitability passionately and positively.
- Discuss your motivation for applying.
- Organize your information to reflect the values of the university or college of your choice.
And if you are an international student, you should include the following:
- A good reason why you want to study in the UK and not your country.
- Your English language skills.

Things to Avoid When Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement
When writing your Personal Statement for UCAS, there are certain things you have to avoid and they are listed below
- Avoid overused opening sentences. In an article, UCAS revealed the overused opening sentences in Personal Statements and they urge to stay away from these sentences.
- Don’t write on a course or subject that you don’t have a passion for. Maybe you were forced or persuaded to apply for it but if you don’t like it then don’t apply for it. The passion in your Personal Statement is important.
- Avoid unnecessary sentences, quotes, or stories. If they don’t prove or relate to the point don’t write it. And if you can’t explain how your quote inspires you then don’t write it.
- Avoid stressing points that the reader supposedly knows.
- Always pay attention to the character and line limit.
- Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Avoid telling lies
- Don’t exaggerate.
- Avoid negativity or excuses.
Sample UCAS Personal Statement Outline
Writing an outline is important as it gives you a guide on how your UCAS Personal Statement should be structured. Below is a sample UCAS Personal Statement Outline.
Paragraph 1: An introduction
When writing your introduction, it must be simple, clear, personal, and engaging. You should avoid overused beginnings as I said earlier. And if you are too bumped about what to write you can always leave it for last. However, your introduction should contain the following information
- Your reasons for your choice of school and course
- How did you realize your love for your choice of school and course.
Paragraph 2: Explain why you are the right candidate for the program
In this paragraph, you are to take the first step of convincing the reader why you should be picked. You need to explain your uniqueness passionately by demonstrating your interests in your choices and what you’ve done to build those interests. Show you’re sure of your choices.
Paragraph 3: How is your current knowledge relevant to your choices?
Having been looking forward to your choices, what have you done to ensure that you know what is involved. What subjects did you take? The seminars you’ve attended or the books you’ve read. What exactly have you done to ensure you are the right candidate for the program? What do you have to contribute? Show that you know exactly what your choices involve.
Paragraph 4: Prove that you are up to the task
State personal experiences that are relevant to your choices. Your hobbies, challenges, achievements, extra-curricular activities, acquired skills, responsibilities handled, teams worked with, and their results should come in this paragraph but only when they are relevant. If it isn’t relevant or necessary, don’t add it. Let the agent be sure that you can handle the task.
Paragraph 5: Explain how their decision would affect your future in a nice conclusion
This paragraph doesn’t have to contain you begging to be accepted. However, it should contain a clear picture of your future after you have finished your program. This then proves that you have it all planned out and you’re sure of your choices. Although it shouldn’t be edgy and arrogant like you’re overconfident. Just make it simple and clear.
A Personal Statement is a means to express your self-knowledge. But if you don’t know much about yourself, then you don’t have to panic. You can ask your family, friends, teachers, or even neighbours what they know about you. This way, you get to know yourself from other angles. Here is a piece of advice, – when writing your Personal Statement always think outside the box.
Need help reviewing your UCAS Personal Statement? Contact us today and a writer would be assigned to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
A. How Long is Personal Statement for UCAS?
UCAS Personal Statement has a maximum of 4000 characters and 47 lines
B. Can I Change My UCAS Personal Statement After Submission?
No! You can’t change or amend your UCAS Personal Statement.
C. Can I Reuse my UCAS Personal Statement?
Yes, you can. Although it will be detected by the computer software and marked for plagiarism nevertheless it will be checked and seen that it belongs to the same person.
D. What Are the Advantages of Using UCAS?
- Applying to the university or college using UCAS is cheaper than applying via an agent.
- UCAS provides information on schools, courses, and fees on their website making it easier for students to make decisions.
- They provide you with professional guidance.
E. Is UCAS only for the UK?
Yes, it is.
F. Is UCAS Only For UK Students?
Foreign students may decide to apply via UCAS or directly to the university or college.