Personal statements discuss valid reasons why you are the perfect candidate for the course. It is to be carefully thought-out and written. Here is a sample of a personal statement for Advanced Mechanical Engineering published for your enlightenment.
P.S: This sample provided here is solely for education purposes, do not copy it. If you need assistance writing yours, hire our experts today.
How to Write Personal Statement for University Application
When writing your personal statement, you have to understand and follow this guide;
Getting Started:
- Writing a good personal statement takes time, so be patient during this process. Don’t be shy to write and rewrite until you get your best statement. Remember that the quality of your statement will determine if you’ll be accepted or rejected for your desired course.
- Start on time; don’t wait until it’s a few days before the deadline.
- Do a thorough research about the university and the course that you’re applying to. Learn all you can about the trends in that discipline and it’ll help you harness your ideas.
- Take out time to see what others who have applied for similar programs have written and you’ll be better prepared to start yours.
- Note: Reading samples online is good to get ideas of how to effectively structure your statement, however, it should not be a means to copy people’s work and pass it as yours. You may be flagged for plagiarism.
- When you’re set to write, the best thing to do is structure your statement into an outline (see outline below). Have an idea of what you would want to cover at the end of the day with your statement.
- You can start by addressing those areas you want to cover differently without really connecting them. The idea is to have general points for the different sections of your statement and you can focus on connecting them later.
- Write expressively and don’t bother about correctness and grammar during this stage. Your idea is first to transfer your thoughts into writing and you can think of arranging them later.
- After you’ve gotten your draft, take a break.
- Return to the draft at a later time and take an overview of the draft you’ve come up with; the reason is to see the areas that your statement is lacking in and then address them so it can flow.
- After addressing all the areas of your outline and ensuring that they make good meaning, work towards connecting the paragraphs to form a single document that is well-structured. In other words, this is the point where you connect your paragraphs and ensure the stories/claims add up.

Personal Statement for Advanced Mechanical Engineering Sample
I would like to study mechanical engineering because the idea of being able to apply theoretical knowledge to solve physical problems appeals to me – this is demonstrated through my choices of A-level. My motivation to finish a particularly challenging algorithm in computing or solve a mentally demanding maths equation comes from the huge sense of accomplishment upon completion.
I have recently been learning about the basic function of internal combustion engines in my physics lessons and this spurred a curiosity in this topic that prompted me to do further voluntary study in the subject. I was amazed to find that the average efficiency of an engine is only between 20 and 30 percent; this figure reflects shameful waste of finite resources. After reading MacKay’s ‘Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air’, I realized the statistic represents a microcosm of the huge inefficiencies in daily human activities. This fact has been highly influential in my decision to pursue a career in engineering, as I believe that by taking this route I can help to accelerate progression towards a sustainable future. The variety of challenges that a mechanical engineer faces is something that attracts me to this subject, with each new project demanding a different way of thinking about a problem. Also, a course that would fill gaps in my knowledge of fluid dynamics is an exciting prospect for me as I have a particular interest in wind power – the most abundant source of renewable energy in the UK.
I enjoy all my A-level subjects, particularly the mechanics modules in maths and physics, as they both help to predict outcomes of day-to-day real-life situations through logical thinking and give explanations as to why they happen. Studying computer science has taught me valuable programming techniques that are increasingly applicable within the engineering industry. My A-levels have also enhanced my analytical skills; a trait that is of emphasised importance in Petroski’s ‘To Engineer is Human’. Reading this book has deepened my understanding of what an engineering career would entail and taught me about how engineers learn from their mistakes. For example, the Tacoma Narrows bridge design does not take into account the torsional vibration mode caused by the wind and whilst causing destruction, it taught us about the necessity of resonance and aerodynamics considerations in structural design. Throughout my life I’ve always striven to broaden my knowledge of engineering – whether it is through online research, reading books, or talking to my family members whose careers engineering is based upon. Last summer I visited the Unimog museum in Germany, this gave me an insight into how engineered products evolve – with each new incarnation of the design addressing weaknesses in the predecessor and adding innovative features made available by the development of new technologies.
Complementary to my academic life, I’m a keen rugby player and represent my school in the first team. From 8 years of experience on and off the pitch with my teammates, I have gained invaluable communication and teamwork skills; attributes that are essential in an engineering career. I’m also an enthusiastic mountain biker. From this pastime, I have learned about the considerations that need to be made when making decisions about materials used for mending or upgrading different bike components. As well as sporting endeavors, I have a part-time job at a swimming pool where I work about 20 hours per week. I’ve developed excellent time management skills, as it has been imperative for me to do so to maintain a high level of academic achievement.
I think I am suited to a mechanical engineering degree as I am hard-working and motivated by the prospect of a fulfilling career in a field that I’m passionate about. I believe that the skills I’ve acquired and developed both in and out of the classroom have prepared me suitably for a successful and rewarding time in higher education.
See Other Samples
- University of Plymouth, UK
- University of Algarve, Portugal
- University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
- University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Lund University, Sweden
- University of California, USA
- Brock University Ontario, Canada
- Ulster University, UK
- Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
- New Brunswick, UK
- Uppsala University, UK
- University of Birmingham, UK
- University of Warwick, UK
- University of Toronto, Canada
- University of Hertfordshire, UK
- McMaster University, UK
- University of Bradford, UK
- University of Waterloo, Canada
- Birmingham City University, UK
- James Cook University, Australia
- University of Sunderland, UK
- University of Hull, UK
- University of Westminster, UK
- University of Derby, UK
- Coventry University, UK
- University of Oxford, UK
- University Canada West, Canada
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Note: This file is sorely for educational purposes, and should not be copied.
Need Assistance Writing Your Personal Statement for Advanced Mechanical Engineering?
If so, contact Fasthire today. We’ll look into your application and compose a good statement of purpose for your application. We have professionals who are skilled in helping students compose their study and visa statement of purpose/explanation and we’ll be ready to assist you right away. You can either use our regular, or express service depending on the urgency of your need.