How To Politely Decline An Offer That Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations

an employer and an employee sitting during an interview
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Have you ever thought there was a way to turn down an offer? Yes, there is a way to politely decline an offer that doesn’t meet your expectations. Declining an offer impolitely will cost you. Continue reading to find out the best way to decline an offer that doesn’t meet your expectations.

Have you ever gone through the rigorous interview processes only to find out that maybe the salary or work schedule is not up to par for you? I know without any iota of doubt how you will react; furious, angry, and so on. That is exactly how anyone else would have reacted in that situation except they are enlightened about it. 

As we go further in this topic, we will learn reasons why people decline job offers and also how to politely decline an offer that doesn’t meet your expectations. 

Reasons Why People Decline An Offer That Doesn’t Meet Their Expectations

Admittedly, receiving the news of a job offer is a thing of joy, however, several reasons can make that joy shortlived. Some of these are listed below;

1. Inadequate Compensation

One of the biggest turnoffs is the company not providing or making room for other perks such as health insurance, retirement plans, monthly data plans, telecommuting privileges, etc for its employees. 

2. Unclear/Undefined Company Goals

Also, if the short-term and long-term goals are not defined. Additionally, a company that does not provide career advancement opportunities for its employees will lose them. Everyone wants a place they can grow and if the company they applied for doesn’t have that in their company budget, this will be a huge turnoff for job applicants.

3. Unhealthy Work Culture

Another reason for declining a job offer is because of its work culture. Is it flexible? Do you see the other employees happy with their boss? What are the insiders saying about their workplace? One can decline an offer after finding out what exactly goes on in that workplace.

4. Inappropriate Salary Range

After comparing the salary range they promised to offer you with other companies or after carrying out a market survey, this can lead you to accept or decline the offer depending on whether their salary rate was up to par or not.

5. Better Offer

It is also possible to decline an offer simply because you got a better offer. This offer can come with packages such as health insurance, retirement plans, data subscriptions, promotions, and a huge salary. This, by far, is one of the prevalent reasons.

How To Politely Decline An Offer That Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations

It is not bad to decline an offer if it doesn’t meet your expectations, what could jeopardize your future is if you did not politely decline the job offer. Before you decline an offer that doesn’t meet your expectations, first have a rethink of the reasons involved in making that decision, whether or not they are tangible. 

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Ways To Politely Decline An Offer That Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations Include;

1. Show Appreciation

The focus here is to politely decline the offer and not be rude. So start by appreciating the company/hiring manager for considering you fit for the position and offering you the job. Thank them for their time, effort, and consideration knowing that the interview process has been a hectic one. Demonstrate professionalism, do not be overly emotional.

2. Explain your Decision

By now you must have evaluated the decision you are about to take, so inform them of your reasons to decline the offer and be honest about it. For instance, your reason to decline can be because of the salary, let the recruiter know that. Usually, there are two sides to this part, either they agree to comply with you to increase the salary or they maintain the previous salary. Whichever it comes, ensure to make the best logical decision.

3. Decline Politely

At the end of the day, if you still want to decline the offer because it didn’t meet your expectations, also apply professionalism. Express your regrets for not accepting the offer and ensure ends on a good and friendly note.

Additional tips after you decline an offer that doesn’t meet your expectations is to keep in touch with the company to maintain a good relationship.


Conclusively, to politely decline an offer that doesn’t meet your expectations is to first think about your reasons for declining, show appreciation for the consideration given to you among other applicants, explain your decision to the hiring manager, and lastly demonstrate professionalism when you decline the offer. All these have been explained in the body of this text and also, watch the embedded video for more insight.  

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