How to Get Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

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If you are considering applying for a fully-funded scholarship abroad, The  Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship is one choice you must not miss. This article explains all you need to know about the scholarship: eligibility criteria, when and how to apply and the documents needed to make your application.

About Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program is a fully sponsored scholarship founded by the government of Hungary and has been in operation since 2013. This scholarship aims to promote and support Hungarian educational institutions by strengthening international relationships and attracting top international students from around the world while experiencing the cultural heritage in Europe. 

Since its operation, about 10,000 students from across the world have benefited from the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship.  According to the “Hungary Today” news article, In 2021, almost 5,00,000 applicants were accepted for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship , and more than 4700 students were awarded the scholarship. The number has continued to increase ever since.

Hence, this significant increase in the number of applicants serves as a testament to the progress and impact of the Hungaricum Scholarship Program in the lives of participants worldwide.

Furthermore, the fully funded  Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship offers both partial and full time study options in different degree levels. Thus includes,non-degree programs, one-tier degrees, and Bachelor’s, master, and doctoral programs This scholarship covers every aspect of study offered by the 31 Hungarian higher education institutions and the programs offered are mostly English. Although students from non English speaking countries can apply too.

The Hungary Government Scholarships for international students is a great option for any one seeking to explore new grounds for growth and excellence. 

All You Need to Know About How I Won the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

Stipendium Hungricum Scholarship Duration

  • Bachelor’s Scholarships: 2-4 Years
  • Master’s Scholarships: 1.5-2 Years
  • One-tier master: 5-6 Years
  • PhD Scholarships: 4 Years
  • Non-degree Programs: 1 Year

Eligibility for Stipendium Hungaricum

To be eligible for the Stipendium Hugaricum scholarship program, you have to meet all stated requirements. Find out the eligibility criteria below: 

  • Only candidates from eligible countries can apply for the scholarship. To confirm if your country is listed as a recipient of this international scholarship, kindly check out the full list on the Stipendium Hungaricum website. Note that, citizens of Hungary are not eligible for this scholarship.
  • All candidates applying for bachelor’s degree programs must present their secondary school leaving certificate. This is a major requirement.
  • Candidates applying for master’s degrees must present their bachelor’s degrees nd it should be of good record.
  • Candidates applying for this scholarship must have an excellent academic record from a previous institution.
  • Candidates applying for a doctorate degree must have master’s degree available with other relevant documents 
  • All candidates interested in applying for a non-degree or one-tier degree should apply to their home school for the certificate of student status, otherwise, the application will not be approved.  
  • Applicants must be nominated by their Sending partner. Sending partners are government agencies, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations that have a corporation with the Hungarian government. 
  • Applicants must not be less than 18 years 
  • Candidates must score at least 50 out of 100 in the USAT or HAT test in the application process 
  • Visit the official site for more information on eligibility criteria.
Eligibility for Stipendium Hungaricum
Eligibility for Stipendium Hungaricum

What is the Stipendium Hungaricum Acceptance Rate?

The Stipendium Hungarian scholarship program over the years has received almost 5,000,000 applicants in 2021 alone, and more than 52,000 applications in 2022. Hence, this is nearly 45% increase from 2020/2021

What are the Required Documents for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship?

If you thicken all the boxes listed in the eligibility requirement above, the next step to get into the program is to get your required documents ready. The required documents for the Stipendium Hungarian International Scholarship are;

  • A one-page motivation letter: Candidates are expected to submit a one-page motivation letter that describes why they are a good fit for the scholarship. This letter must be rewritten in such a way that the narratives align with your interest and passion for the course you intend to study. If you are not sure how to write a motivation letter, contact fasthire today. Please note that for doctorate degree applicants, you are required to submit 2 letters of recommendation, a research plan, and a supervisor’s letter.
  • Present proof of language proficiency 
  • A copy of the University transcript or School Report
  • Medical certificates 
  • School certificates: “High school diploma for those applying for undergraduate degrees or bachelor/master degree certificate for those applying for graduate degrees. 
  • Copy of identification card or documents 
  • Valid Passport
  • Online application form

How to Apply for Stipendium Hungaricum Online

The  Stipendium International Hungaricum scholarship is done online. To apply, log on to the official website and follow the procedure below:

  • Head on to the website of Tempus Public Foundation and create an account
  • Click on the apply button and select the Stipendium Hungarian scholarship program 
  • Upload and submit the required documents listed in the previous section
  • Once you are done with the uploads, carefully review your application and check for errors. After which, proceed for submission.

N/B The application deadline for the Stipendium Hungarian scholarship changes from year to year. Please check the official TPF website to stay updated.

What are the Stages for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship?

The Stipendium Hungarian scholarship application goes on in four distinct phases. Let’s take a look at all four:

Step 1: Application

This is the first stage that involves registering and uploading your documents to the official site. Check the previous section for more details 

Step 2: Selection Phase

The selection phase or process goes on in two sounds;

*Selection round one: In this very initial phase, the Tempus Public Foundation reviews all submitted applications. This is called the technical checks

They check to see if the documents submitted meet the eligibility criteria. If your application meets the criteria, it is then forwarded to your sending partner for pre-selection. 

**Selection round two: Once the Sending partners are done with their screening, the list of selected candidates are now forwarded to the host institutions. The host institutions then deleted applicants who met minimum entry requirements. Once this is done, the institution will reach out to you with an invite for your entrance examinations. At the end of the examination, the host institutions forward final results back to the Tempus Public Foundation.

Step 3: Allocation of Admitted Applications 

The Tempus Public Foundation now allocates admired candidates based on their preference, the results from entrance exams and most importantly, the strength of the host institutions.

Step 4: Admission Acceptance 

The last step which is also very important, is to accept your scholarship offer. In order to gain the status of a scholarship holder, candidates must accept the offered scholarship in the online application platform. 

For further information or guidance, kindly visit the official website or place a call for more description.

What is the Minimum Credit for Stipendium Hungaricum?

The minimum credit for the Stipendium international scholarship is 36 credits. This is the total credits that must be earned after completing two active semesters. If you do not meet this requirement, the institution will terminate your scholarship and inform the Public Foundation.

What are the Benefits of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program?

As earlier mentioned, the scholarship is available for various degree and non-degree programs such as bachelor’s, master’s, one-tier master’s, non-degree programs, and postgraduate training. 

All of this recipient categories come with the same benefits such as;

  • Fully-funded scholarship, no tuition fees
  • Candidates will receive a monthly stipend of HUF 43,700 (cca EUR 103) for 12 months.
  • Candidates are offered an accommodation allowance of  HUF 40,000 per month during the course of the study program. However, candidates are free to choose in-campus residence if the option is available in their choice institutions.
  • Candidates receive monthly medical insurance around  HUF 65,000 (cca EUR 153) 
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The Stipendium Hungarian scholarship program is one tremendous opportunity to gain a first-class experience with European educational facilities. Although the acceptance rate for this can be pretty competitive, you stand a better chance if you meet the eligibility requirements. If you are interested in the scholarship, ensure to prepare your documents way ahead of time for better experience. 

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