I want you to answer these questions. Do you want to be successful in your job search? If YES; how do you want to become successful in your job search?
The answer to that question depends on your knowledge, and that answer can only be effective if it is RIGHT! Let me explain with an illustration.
Mr. A wants to be successful in his career. Mr. A only knows that when he job hunts he would get a job and begin his career success. Do you think what Mr. A knows, is enough for him to become successful in his job search? The answer is NO.
In this part, I’ll be showing you how to become successful in your job search. So often, people job search without planning. Beginning your job search without a plan will sadly deliver a ZERO result. Except in the case of ‘chance’ what we call LUCK!
When is a Job Search Successfully?
A job search is successful when you find and land the job!
The Plan for a Successful Job Search
1. Write down your purpose and goal
The first step to becoming successful in your job search is to identify your goal and purpose. What do you want? What kind of job are you interested in doing? Truth be told, for any job you’re not interested in, you can’t be effective in it.
Writing down your career goals and purpose will help you accomplish them easily, and it will also influence other aspects of your job search. For example, the type of company you are targeting, the location of the job you want, etc will be influenced by your career goals.
Job search websites like Fasthire, Jobberman, and many, provide job listings you can review by using keywords that match your interest and choice of location. One of the advantages of a job search website is that it’s time-saving and you can focus on your job target.
2. List your target company and research for their current openings
Once you start job hunting, you’re opened to multiple job opportunities at the same time. In many cases, job seekers are usually desperate, they just apply for any job that comes their way.
The best way to handle this is;
- To focus on your target companies.
- Build a list of the companies you are interested in.
- Research each of these companies. This will lead you to their job openings and you can be able to connect to them.
- Follow them on their social media accounts.
- Set up a professional Google news alert {notification} for each of the companies.
3. Make your online presence a bait
Maximize your online presence (your social medial accounts/profile). Many employers have employed talent through social media. Especially professional social platforms like LinkedIn.
LinkedIn has proven to be effective for job search. If you don’t have LinkedIn account, I recommend you create one using this link.
LinkedIn Beginner’s Introduction (How to Make it Work for You)
Having an online presence is important for your job search, it enables employers find you and see you as a positive addition to their company.
If you aren’t actively managing your online presence, start doing that today. Update the unnecessary profile that might give a wrong impression of you. Rightly, your profile should show off your value and professionalism.
‘Communicate‘ (Talk); Dive into social media, let people online take note of you. Stand out, you might just get noticed by your dream company.
4. Networking
Mavis is a graduate of Accounting, he needs a job, he has a distant relative who works in a high-class government transport company, Mavis distant relative interacts with people in high professions because of the nature of his work, but this relative is not aware that Mavis is job hunting.
The illustration above explains networking. Many times people fail to make use of opportunities around them or maybe they can’t even visualize the opportunities. A vital part of networking is communication, hence, learn to communicate, You shouldn’t be quiet when job hunting.
Networking is a strategy to become successful in your job search. A strong network can increase your opportunity for career success. Truth be told, you are more likely to get a job quickly when your application letter or CV is followed by a referral.
Use this networking strategy to up your game. Inject the “Networking plan”.
5. Be prepared!
I said be prepared! How can you start a job hunt without being prepared? You should be ready. Get a well-written CV, and any other job search documents you may need.
One of the reasons why you should be ready is because your interview request might pop up at any time. Hence, keeping your activities and job requirement organized is an important plan for a successful job search.
“I have a poor result”. “I lack experience”. “…so my CV is not impressive”
Lack of experience or poor result/degree is not a good reason not to impress your employer. There are many cases where people with lesser degrees have been selected over those with higher degrees… so, don’t give such excuses. If you don’t know how to write an outstanding CV, hirer a CV expert today!
You might also read: Secret Tips on writing ATS compatible CV
Can I make use of just one CV when job hunting?
Don’t make use of one CV when applying for two or more different positions. Having different versions of your CV will make it easier for you to apply for several jobs. What I am saying is; tailor your resume/CV to each job you apply for.
6. Flexibility
In your plans for a job search, don’t forget to be flexible. You can’t consider roles above your experience or below your experience every time. Being opened and flexible to take up other opportunities is key because the job search is filled with the unexpected.
7. Perseverance
Rejection is painful. But ‘giving up is not an option to consider. Prepare your mind, because many experiences await you as you begin your job hunt. But, at any point where you seem to get discouraged, remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Success doesn’t come by giving up. In an actual sense, you have nothing to lose when you strive harder but you lose everything when you give up.
“Never stop to look back just understand where you are and look forward to where you want to be”.
How to become successful in your job search
Sum Up of the Seven-Element for a Successful Job Search
Successful Job Search = identify your goal and purpose + list your target company and research them + online presence + networking + preparation + flexibility + perseverance.
You’ve set up your plan to become successful in your job search. Congratulations!