Congratulations! This is to inform you that you are to start work on Monday… How do you feel about this information? Well before you answer that, let me tell you how I felt when I was told to resume work at my new place of work. The moment I got the news, I was excited that I was about to resume work at my dream job but then the excitement was short-lived when I remembered that it was going to be a different place entirely; the colleagues, employer, and workspace. It was a bitter-sweet feeling. Despite all my worries about how I will cope at my new workplace, everything went well, I’ll show you How to Become Successful In Your First 60 Days at Work.
So, if you’re reading this now then I’m guessing you just landed a job or maybe you have plans on securing one, or some other reason. Congratulations either way. Do you also feel excited and anxious at the same time about your new job? If yes, then I assure you that this content is enriched with information that will help step up your career for success. Do well to read till the end.
A Successful 60-Days at Work
As a job seeker, your sole aim is to land that dream job, there’s no thought for the “after”. The thought of how to become successful in your first 60 days at work comes in after you get the job. Am I right?
Now you have a new job. You want to make a good first impression of yourself in your department, to your team members, and to your boss… the feeling that everything you do should be awesome. You want your boss to know that he has made the right decision employing you. After all, you worked hard to get this job so you shouldn’t lose it. All the same, beginning a new job with great expectations is the first step to growing in your organization.
Your first 60 days at work are your first 2 months at work. There are 30 days in each month. So, I will break this into two; your first 30 days and your second 30 days at work.
How To Survive Your First 30 Days at Work: The Learning Activity
I like to describe the first 30 days at work as your Learning Action. Since you’re new in the company, and you aren’t familiar with all the activities of the company use these days to study the organization, and get familiar with the activities of the organization. The learning activity is in two sections, and both sections are important if you want to become successful in your first 60 days at work. They’re; Social Learning and Responsibility Learning.
1. Social Learning
a. Introduce yourself to your team members and other staff you don’t know yet. It’s always good to start a good relationship with people in your work environment.
b. Pay attention to your environment and other people. You might learn of something important enough to assist your work in the company or organization
c. Get to know your team better
d. Do your best to remember names.
e. Get to know how your boss communicates. You can pay attention to the way he addresses other employees and his tone usage. It will help you understand his way of communication so you don’t misinterpret him at any time.

2. Responsibility Learning
a. What are the laid down goals/objectives/projects of the organization and my department?
b. What support does my department give to other areas of the organization?
c. What past successes has my department made for the organization?
d. How does my role support my department?
e. Know your manager’s expectations. Meet with your manager, and have a short discussion with him to find out what he expects from you or your department.
Learning the activities, and objectives, and communicating freely in your new workplace is the foundation for you to become successful in your first 60 days at work.

After taking a balance in your new role, what should you do in the next month? How do you plan your success in your position? This next paragraph will tell you how.
How To Succeed In Your Second 30 Days at Work: Action Plan
In your next 30 days at work, you should set out your target. It is your action plan. You’re to plan for what you want to achieve. Follow these steps.
1. Define Your Goal
Take out time and carefully set your goals. What do you want to achieve in the organization? Look at what you’ve learned about the organization in your first 30 days of working and make out your aim from it. You already know how your company works, so, you can easily set your goal rightly.
2. Create Action Items
A good man once said, “A brilliant plan without an actual time and date to follow it, is as good as not having a plan at all”. He’s right.
After defining your goals, give each of your goals a time/date to initiate. When should I initiate Goal A? How long would it take? Is it achievable within this period? Your goals should be specific, achievable, measurable, and time-bound. It’s called SMART goals.
NB: Ensure to keep your 60-day plan short and readable. Let it be between one to two pages long.
3. Develop a Growth Mindset
You might have set out an excellent plan. But make sure it is flexible too. As the saying goes “change is constant”. So, if situations arise or things go differently than you expected, make an adjustment to suit your plans.

4. Check
At the end of your first 60 days at work, check for your success. Measure your growth from when you started to where you are. The reason for this is so you can know how far you’ve come and how to plan for the next month.
I’ll conclude this by telling you to read more great books that can help you develop yourself. Look through blogs on career tips, like Fasthire’s blog and so many others. Don’t stop reading. If you want to keep on succeeding, then learn new things every day. But if you have a bus stop for your career success, then do otherwise.