Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work

Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work
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Are yu dreaming of ditching the daily job and embracing the freedom of remote work? You’re not alone! This article aims to answer the Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work and those aspiring to join the digital nomad lifestyle. Whether you’re curious about the realities of remote work, seeking tips for success, or simply exploring the possibilities, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your remote work journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work

The frequently asked questions listed and answered here are written from the perspective of the remote worker/aspiring remote worker. It is not addressed from the employer’s view but rather, from the view of the employee.

1. What is remote work?

A remote job simply refers to working from anywhere but the traditional office. You could work from your house, a co-shared space, a diner, a coffee shop, a cyber cafe, etc. The bottom line is that you are not working from the office.

2. What are the types of Remote Workers?

There are different types of remote workers. 

  • Local Remote Worker: this type of remote worker is resident in the same country as the employer. The local rights and laws governing their country apply to both the employer and the employee. The employer doesn’t have to go through the loops and hurdles associated with non-local remote workers.
  • International Remote Worker: this type of remote worker is resident in a different country from that of the employer. The local rights and laws governing employment in the employee’s country bind their working relationship.

3. What are the classes of remote workers?

Remote workers can be classified as follows:

  • Full-time workers
  • Part-time workers
  • Freelancers

4. What do I need to work remotely?

To work remotely, you simply need to have a digital skill, a laptop, a smartphone, good network connectivity, and a good light supply. Every other thing you will need will be tailored specifically to your job description.  However, these are the basic things that you need.

5. What skills do I need to work remotely?

To begin with, what you need are digital skills. Examples are coding, programming, copywriting, content writing, graphics designing, research writing, etc. The list is quite endless. Also, acquiring these skills is easier in recent times as there are numerous online learning platforms available with free and paid courses.

6. What kind of jobs can I get remotely?

The kind of jobs you can get remotely are jobs you can do on the internet with a PC or smartphone. Examples of such jobs are online tutoring, data analysis, copywriting, content writing, digital marketing, etc. Jobs requiring physical presence cannot be done remotely. The list of remote jobs is endless.

7. What are the benefits of remote work?

The primary benefit of remote work is the flexibility it affords the remote worker. The remote worker has the flexibility of choosing their working time provided they deliver on the job required. There are other benefits like

  • No cost of transportation as there is no commute to work.
  • No office drama
  • Promotes a better work-life balance
  • Possibility of being a native of any country
  • Ability to work with people from different walks of life

Other benefits may be personal to the individual.

Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work
Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work

8. How do I participate in meetings held by my employer as a remote worker?

Every organization that employs remote workers makes provisions for including them in the organizational meetings. They could hold the meeting online and have everyone join. This promotes flexibility for workers remote or not. They could also hold a physical meeting and then have the remote workers join the meeting through platforms like Zoom, Teams, etc. 

9. How can I relate with my co-workers?

Technology has made it easy to connect with anyone anywhere. You can relate with your co-workers with the powerful tool called technology. There are apps created to get co-workers to relate easily and make collaboration easy. An example of such a tool is Slack. You can chat with the individual or drop a message in the smaller divisions of the organization or the general group. Tools like Slack make relating with co-workers possible.

10. How do I get paid when working remotely?

There are different payment channels available for the payment of remote workers. There is the direct transfer, payment platforms, cryptocurrencies, and Employer of Records (EOR). 

a. Direct Transfer: payment made directly from the account of the employer to the local bank account of the employee. Direct in approach but slow in processing and expensive too.

b. Payment Platforms: online platforms created specifically for receiving funds from any country and in different currencies. Quite an easy method of payment, however, it works perfectly for the payment of freelancers. May be limited when dealing with full-time remote employees. 

c. Cryptocurrencies: payment made with cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are coins that have value. This is one of the least methods of payment as cryptocurrency isn’t widely accepted as a legal tender yet.

d. Employer of Record: an organization located locally in the employee’s country. They are in charge of the payment of taxes and taking care of money-related matters towards the employee on behalf of the employer. Also, they handle matters relating to the employees employed locally through them.

In the employment process, the method of receiving your payment is an important discussion to have. This is because each of these channels has its pros and cons. The company/organization will choose a method that best suits them and you while fulfilling their obligations.

11. Do I pay tax as a remote worker?

Yes, even as a remote worker, you pay taxes. The tax you pay is called Income Tax.

12. What is Income Tax?

Income Tax simply means the tax paid on your earnings or income. Employers mostly pay it and it’s a percentage of the employee’s salary. The employer pays it to the appropriate governing body in the employee’s country after removing it from the salary of the employee.

13. Where do I pay income tax as a remote worker?

A remote worker pays their income tax in their country of residence. They do not pay taxes to the country where their employer is but to their country. Therefore, you pay your income tax as a remote worker to your government.

14. Where do I lay my complaint of non-payment of wages by my foreign employer?

A foreign employer who doesn’t pay the agreed wages/salary of the remote worker is acting contrary to the local laws binding the relationship. Going against the local laws on employment attracts penalties from the government of the employee’s country. 

In other words, you can lay a complaint of non-payment of salary/wages to the governing body overseeing the working relationship between you and your employer. 

15. Am I eligible for the 13th month’s salary as a remote worker?

Eligibility for a 13th-month salary is dependent on the employee’s country’s law governing employment. If the remote worker’s country of residence requires that the 13th-month salary be paid, then the employer has to pay it. Therefore, your eligibility depends on your country’s law.

16. What currency will I be paid with while working remotely?

The currency of receiving your pay is dependent on your country’s laws and regulations. Countries like Brazil require that employees be paid in the Brazilian Reais. However, where there is no such law, you can discuss with your employer what currency they will pay you with.

17. Do remote workers go on public holidays?

The answer is yes. Remote workers go on public holidays however, the frequency is subject to a lot of factors. If the channel of employment is Employer of Records, then the remote worker can go on as many holidays as their country permits. There is also another option of the remote worker going on holidays that applies to the employer’s country of residence. Whatever the governing factor is, remote workers, go on public holidays.

18. How much can I make as a remote worker?

The amount of money you make as a remote worker is dependent on the job role you perform and your level of expertise in your chosen field.

19. Do I need a working space while working remotely?

While it is not a compulsory requirement, it is necessary to have one. This helps to foster a good work-life balance. It also helps you maintain focus and deliver your duty promptly.

If possible, set up your workstation a good distance away from your room and living room. This helps to reduce distractions. If possible, look for a location away from the house like a coffee shop, or a co-shared space, and rent for work. 

20. Do I need a Visa to work remotely?

Unless you are migrating to or visiting your employer’s country of residence, then you do not need a visa to work remotely.

Work life balance
Work-life balance

Conclusion: Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Work

While this is not an exhaustive list of frequently asked questions about remote work, it provides answers to some of the questions remote workers or aspirants may have. To guide you on your journey as a remote worker, you can visit our career advice section.

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Igbojianya Oluchukwu

Content is the life of anything that works in life. It can be written, visual, audio, or a combination of all forms. It is my duty and pleasure to give you valuable content. I am Igbojianya Oluchukwu, a Content Creator and Writer.