These are the most common teaching job interview questions that you should expect during your interview as a teacher. These questions are frequently asked by interviewers when applying for a teaching job. So, you need to know the right answers to give.
We have listed out these commonly asked questions in a teaching job interview. Take a look at these questions, study them, and use them to achieve a suitable answer for your coming interview. I’ll advise you not to cram the answers given here. The answers are meant to assist you as you prepare for your teaching job interview.
Do you need assistance preparing for your interview? Contact our interview coach or check this list for the best interview preparation websites in Nigeria.
Who Is A Teacher?
Let’s say you are in a pool and you are eager to learn how to swim but you have no idea how. Whom would you immediately think is capable of teaching you? Is the swimming instructor or yourself the novice? If your selection was correct, you should be aware that a teacher is a person with expertise in a certain subject who assists pupils in gaining knowledge, skills, competence, or morality.
Recommended: Who is a Teacher and How to Become a Teacher: Career Review
Qualities Of A Good Teacher
There are bad and good teachers. A good teacher is known by the quality he/she possesses, that will assist them in educating their student. So, what are these qualities? The qualities of a good teacher are;
1. Active Listening:
Kristine Ducobe said “Teachers who are skilled in listening and observing can often pick up on what isn’t being said. Such as any anxieties a student may have, and can then help the student build up their skills and confidence levels”. Listening is a quality that helps you connect with your student by truly understanding them and their points of view.
2. Good And Effective Communication:
As a teacher, you must have good communication skills to effectively teach people. You need to be able to communicate well and effectively with your students. Good communication is the basic way of getting people to understand and learn from you. Good communication can be the difference between making good students and poorly taught ones (as you know there are no bad students only bad teachers).
“Communication is a vital teaching tool"
3. Adaptable
As a good teacher, you should be able to adapt and adjust to teaching methods based on the environment, the age of the students, the available resources, and the ever-changing curriculum.
Audrey Rogers a teacher since the 1980s’ said “Change is constant” and she said, “Learning how to adapt and adjust has been one of the skills that have been most helpful in my career.”

4. Engaging
Most students prefer and listen better to teachers who can engage with humour. When a teacher can maintain the same level as their students and make teaching exciting and exploring, it captures the students’ attention and makes them listen.
5. Patience
As a teacher, it is 100% certain that at one point, your patience will be tested. Hence, as a good teacher, you have to learn to exercise patience with your students. You shouldn’t scare them off with harsh words and dreadful looks. “More often than less, students learn easily when they are comfortable with their teacher and can ask questions in areas they don’t understand. Therefore, you have to be able to exercise patience with your students.
6. Readers and Learners
Good teachers are continuous learners. Therefore, adapt them to the action of reading often, that’s the only way you will update your knowledge and skill. As the saying goes “change is constant”. What you know today might be wrong tomorrow. Hence, reading and learning should be part of your personality. Whether you are learning about your subject or learning new teaching methods.
Responsibilities Of A Teacher
The responsibilities of a teacher vary. It depends on the age of the students and the school in which you teach. However, there are a few tools which a teacher should play generally;
- Teaching students based on the curriculum.
- Assessing and reporting on the behaviour of students.
- Ensuring they deliver quality and high-standard teaching methods.
- Teachers should be given continuous study to improve themselves and their skills.
- Encourage students and guide them to make the right decisions.
- Collaborating with their student’s parents, to ensure the education, welfare, and stability of their students.
Most Common Teaching Job Interview Questions & Answers
In this section, we will discuss the top 5 teaching jobs interview questions with expert answers to supply your interviewer.
1. Why Do You Want To Become A Teacher?
This is one of the most common teaching job interview questions asked by interviewers. Sometimes it is usually the first question the interviewer will ask. Therefore, the interviewer would have heard different reasons and stories from several applicants.
When you are asked this question, you have to give an answer that is genuine and reasonable. One that illustrates why you chose to teach. Take your time and create the best way to present your answer. Make your answer as genuine, thoughtful, and convincing as possible.
“When I was in JSS2, I struggled with learning, I was insulted by some of my teachers and students. I started believing I was a dumb-head. Until one day a particular teacher called me to her office and had a chat with me. I explained my inability to learn and understand things to her. Surprisingly, she spoke with my parents and began tutoring me. She employed an interesting method that made learning fun for me and soon enough I began to top in my class. Since then I have taken an interest in teaching students like me. I decided to introduce effective teaching methods so that no student will fall behind in their academics”.
2. Why Do You Want To Teach At This School
This question is a way to test your preparation and knowledge of the school. Utilize your research on this school and give specific reasons why you are interested in the school.
“I’ve spent a lot of time researching the schools around this vicinity and I was impressed by your school. The record first of all is unmatched with countless awards and recognition. Plus, your policy of teachers creating exciting means and methods to teach students is great. You also have made a conducive learning environment for the students, So, I would hope to be a part of all these as well”.

3. What Can You Bring To Our School That Makes You Unique
This question is a great opportunity to sell yourself and your unique qualities. Here, talk about activities you’ve participated in and relate them to teaching. Share past methods and ideas you have used that could also help improve their school system. Remember to talk passionately.
“I’m passionate about art and science, I love experiencing nature and appreciating arts. For that reason, I initiated an after-school explorer club where we (I and the students) would go out to places like museums, mountains, laboratories, and factories.
This created a bond between me and my students. I even get calls from some of them telling me how much they appreciated those moments and experiences”.
4. What Frustrates You Most In A Classroom:
When interviewers ask this question, they intend to know what makes you erupt and how you can deal with frustration. Emphasis on the positive aspects of your teaching style.
“I have to admit, I get frustrated by kids who think they are too cool to be in school. They act like education doesn’t matter and then pick on the kids who value education. Calling them “nerds”. However, instead of lashing my frustration on anyone, I have learned to channel it into helping those “cool kids”. I realize that when they are given attention and when exposed to the benefits of education, they soon become brighter students and happy ones too”.
5. What Are Your Strengths & Weakness
This question is asked to know the aspects you are good at and those you struggle with. Don’t claim you don’t have any weakness. Everyone has a weakness, even the best teachers. So be honest and speak more about your strengths. When you talk about your weaknesses, talk about the process you are taking to overcome them or improve on them.
“Well, I have good communication skills and I’m able to relate with kids at any level. However, in my previous school, I struggled with getting through to the quiet kids. Since they are reserved, trying to get closer and understand them sometimes comes off as a privacy instruction However I’ve been employing new methods to tackle that challenge by engaging with them in games and little events so they see me as a friend, not just a teacher”.
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Conclusion: Common Teaching Job Interview Questions
As much as you are preparing for your interview questions, also make a conscious effort to look into how you are going to dress for the interview, how best you can project self-confidence during the interview by using positive body language, and how to leave a lasting impression on the interviewer that can increase your chances of getting recruited. With this information gathered in this article, best believe you are going to ace your interview!