In our previous article, we explored Mission trips, what they mean, and who missionaries are. You can also check out related articles in the Editor’s recommendation section at the end of this post.
For this article, we will focus on the biggest and best organizations for mission trips. These mission trips organizations have been tested and trusted by missionaries and so have made it to this list. Find them below.
Biggest and Best Mission Trips Organizations
The mission trips organizations listed here were written in a hierarchy with the number of missionaries sent as the criteria.
- Interserve
- Youth for Christ
- Teen Mission
- Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
- Mission of Hope
- International Missions Board (IMB)
- Pioneers
- New Tribes Mission
- Assemblies of God World Missions
- Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC)
- Global Frontier Missions
- BMS World Mission (Baptists Mission Society)
- Greater Europe Mission
- Global Ministries
Purpose: “to make Jesus Christ known through holistic ministry, in partnership with the global church, amongst the neediest peoples of Asia and the Arab World”
Vision: “to see lives and communities transformed through encounter with Jesus Christ”
Interserve is an international and interdenominational organization that serves in partnership with the local church.
Missionaries sent: 80,000+
They are present and serving in
- Arab World
- Southeast Asia and South Pacific
- Eurasia
- East Asia and North Pacific
- South Asia
They provide 3 service pathways through which individuals can offers service to humanity. They are:
- Short-term
- Long-term
- Holistic Theology of Ministry
To connect with them, click here and you will choose the office which is closest to you.
Youth for Christ (YC)
Youth for Christ is a worldwide Christian movement working with young people around the globe. YC is made up of tens of thousands of full-time, part-time, and volunteer indigenous staff in more than 100 nations. They are all working together in giving every young person an opportunity to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
Year founded: mid-1940s and has been in existence for over 70 years.
Vision: “As part of the body of Christ, to see that every young person, in every people group, in every nation, has the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become a part of a local church”
Strategic focus: “Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise lifelong followers of Jesus who are characterized by godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the word of God and prayer, boldness in evangelism and commitment to social involvement”
Missionaries sent: 36,698
They are present in
- Africa
- Americas
- Asia Pacific
- Europe, Middle East, and North Africa
- Phone enquiries: +1 303 486- 1263
- Postal address: Youth for Christ International, P.O. Box 4555, Englewood CO 80155 USA
- Street address: Youth for Christ International, 7670 South Vaughn Ct, Englewood CO 80112 USA
Teens Mission International
About: Teens Mission was founded in 1970 by Robert M. Bland and a group of men and women who were passionate about getting youths involved in missions.
Mission: “to inspire and equip a new generation to boldly proclaim salvation in Christ alone” – 1 peter 2:9
Vision: “to serve the church as a strategic resource for motivating, training, and mobilizing youth to fulfill the great commission”
Missionaries sent: 32,000+
Strategic Ministries
- Short-term trips
- Boot camps
- Rescue units
- Circuit riders
- Bible schools
- Retreat center
- Location: 885 East Hall Road, Merritt Island, FL 32953
- Phone: (321) 453- 0350
Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
About: YWAM was founded by Loren and Darlene Cunningham in 1960 based on a vision he had 4 years earlier (1956) while resting in his room after a long day. It is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.
Missionaries sent: 18,000+
Their core areas are
- Evangelism
- Training
- Mercy ministry
You can join the organization under any of the following:
- Discipleship Training School
- University of the Nation Courses
- Outreach teams
- Volunteer
- Staff
- Families, Children, and Teens
- Churches and Youth Groups
Contact: YWAM
Mission of Hope
Vision: “to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child”
About: Mission of Hope was founded by Brad and Vanessa Johnson in 1998 in Haiti. They operate by partnering with local churches to transform lives through church advancement, nutrition, education, and medical care.
They are currently working in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Key West and have different sponsorship programs like ‘sponsor a child’. To sponsor a child, you can do that with $35 every month. This amount gives the child in need a Christ-centered education, nutritious meal at school, and hope. You also have the opportunity to build a relationship with the child through letters, gifts, and HopeGo trips.
Missionaries sent: 5000
Contact: to contact mission of hope, click here to fill out the form.
International Missions Board (IMB)
Vision: “a multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language, knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 7:9)”
Mission: “to serve Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations”
About: IMB was initially known as the ‘Foreign Mission Board (FMB)’ and was formed in 1845 at the first Southern Baptist Convention. It was founded as part of “one sacred effort for the propagation of the Gospel”. FMB’s first foreign mission field was in China and in its early decades, the denomination’s missionary efforts grew slowly into Africa from China.
IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
- Location: 3806 Monument Ave. Richmond, VA 23230
- Phone: (804) 353-0151
- Email:
About: Founded in 1979 by former businessman Ted Fletcher and his wife, Peggy, Pioneers partners with local churches to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples. Each missionary is commissioned by a sending church and financial support is offered by sacrificial gifts from friends, family, and the church.
Values: integrity and accountability
Missionaries sent: 3,122+
To contact Pioneers, you can click here.
New Tribes Mission (NTM)
About: NTM was founded in 1942 by Paul Fleming and 5 others who had the vision of reaching people who have no access to the Gospel. New Tribes Mission helps local churches train, coordinate, and send missionaries to unreached groups.
They do the following;
- Plant tribal churches
- Minister among the unreached people groups
- Work in the tribal culture and language
- Present foundational Bible teaching
- Establish mature churches
They have different channels through which you can be a part of the work that NTM is doing in the world. Some of the channels are:
- Career missions
- Mission trips
- Missionary aviation
- Teach abroad
- Use your skills
- Volunteer in the UK
Missionaries sent: 3000
- Phone: +44 (0) 1472 387700
- Email:
- Location: New Tribes Mission UK, North Cotes, Grimsby Lincolnshire, DN36 5XU, England
Assemblies of God World Missions
About: “In 1914, the Assemblies of God was formed following a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Early AG leaders had an immediate concern for the lost, compelling them to take the gospel into all the world. This small, fearless group of men and women committed themselves in writing to “the greatest evangelism the world has ever seen.” They believed both in Jesus’ command to reach the whole world and His promise that they would receive the Holy Spirit’s power to do it.”
Mission: “establishing the church among all peoples everywhere by reaching, planting, training and serving”
Missionaries sent: 2000+
AGWM is in the following regions
- Europe
- Eurasia
- Northern Asia
- Asia Pacific
- Africa
- Latin America Caribbean
- Location: Assemblies of God World Missions, 1445 N. Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65802-1894
- Phone: 1-417-862-3420
Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC) International
About: WEC International was founded by Charles Thomas Studd, who started his missionary career as part of the famous Cambridge Seven. These seven Cambridge graduates chose a life of purpose over privilege. After 21 years of missionary work overseas, he came back home and was said to be a home for diseases. However, after he saw the advert for a meeting tagged ‘Cannibals need missionaries’, he went, found out more, and that was the beginning of his journey to Africa. It was in the Heart of Africa that WEC International started.
Mission: “empowered by the Holy Spirit, with a sense of urgency and commitment to work with others”
Vision: “to see Christ known, loved and worshipped by the unreached peoples of the world”
WEC International is present in the following regions
- Africa
- Americas
- Asia
- Central Asia
- Europe
- The Middle East & North Africa
- Oceania
Missionaries sent: 1800
You can reach the nearest center close to you by choosing your region when you click here.
Global Frontiers Mission
About: Global Frontier Missions (GFM) is an international, inter-denominational Christian missionary mobilization and training agency. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was incorporated in the state of Virginia in the year 2000 and later in the state of Georgia in 2009. GFM was founded to see disciples made and churches planted among the remaining unreached people groups of the world.
They are located in
- Atlanta GA
- South Asia
- Thailand
Missionaries sent: 1500
You can contact GFM by filling out the form here.
TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission)
Mission: “to partner with the global church in sending disciples who make disciples and establish missional churches to the glory of God”
About: “TEAM, The Evangelical Alliance Mission, began in 1890 as one man’s dream to send 100 missionaries to China. Today, it’s a global missions agency that partners with local churches to send missionaries and plant reproducing churches around the world. Their missionaries have a passion to go where the most people have the greatest need. They serve through church planting, community development, healthcare, social justice, business as mission, and more. But whatever their ministry, each missionary has the same goal: proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed.”
Missionaries sent: 500+
TEAM is in the following regions
- Mexico and Central America
- Asia
- Oceania
- Africa
- Europe
- South America
- North America
(800) 343-3144
Box 969
Wheaton, IL 60187-0969
TEAM – Canada
(800) 295-4160
#372-16 Midlake Blvd SE
Calgary, AB T2X 2X7
You can also click here to fill out the form.
BMS World Mission (Baptists Mission Society)
Mission: Faith in Christ, Abundant Life
About: BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organization working in around 30 countries on 4 continents. The mission was founded in 1792 and the earliest missionaries were William Carey, William Ward, and Joshua Marshman. These missionaries upon their arrival in India, set about learning the local language and translating the scriptures.
BMS works among some of the most marginalized, least evangelized people in some of the most fragile places on earth. They aim to bring life in all its fullness through seven key ministries:
- Church
- Development
- Education
- Health
- Justice
- Leadership
- Relief
Missionaries sent: 350+
- Email:
- Phone: 01235 517700
- Location: BMS World Mission, P.O. Box 49, 129 Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, OX11 8XA
You can also click here to fill out the form.
Greater Europe Mission
Mission: “reaching Europe by multiplying disciples and growing Christ’s church”
Vision: “God expanding His kingdom through all peoples of Europe to the world”
Core Values
- Transformation
- Passion
- Humility
- Leadership
- Community
- Stewardship
GEM is a missions organization focused on introducing Europeans to Jesus. It was founded by Bob Evans, a US Navy Chaplain, in the year 1944.
Areas of Ministry
- Church planting
- Discipleship multiplication
- Biblical education
- Refugee ministries
- Justice ministries
- Professional ministries
Missionaries sent: 310+
International Address
Greater Europe Mission
Mainzer Landstrasse 178-190
Frankfurt am Main
Deutschland, 60327
U.S. Address
Greater Europe Mission
18950 Base Camp Rd
Monument, CO 80132
+1 800 436 4488
You can also fill out the form here.
Global Ministries
Mission: “to receive and share the Good News of Jesus Christ by joining with global and local partners to work for justice, reconciliation, and peace”
Vision: “That all of God’s people and creation share in God’s abundant life”
About: Global Ministries is a common missional witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. Global Ministries works with approximately 290 faith-based international partners in close to 90 countries
Core values
- Community
- Mutuality
- Justice
- Peace
- Presence
They are present in the following places
- Africa
- East Asia and the Pacific
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Middle East and Europe
- Southern Asia
Missionaries sent: 105+
To contact them click here and choose the contact center nearest to you and reach out to them.
Conclusion: Biggest and Best Mission Trips Organizations
These organizations all operate on the instructions given in the Bible to go forth and make disciples in all nations. The organizations listed here are the biggest and best mission trips organizations and they organize different kinds of mission trips. Most of them educate their missionaries with the language and some core information about the location of the chosen mission trip.